Plannertarium 2018

The Plannertarium turned 10 this year and we had a very special anniversary event.

We welcomed our 10th Plannertarium group of media planners to the Vineyard on 20th September for a very special anniversary event. While the event was a decade old (we know, we can’t believe it either), the ideas and sessions were all very much firmly in-your-face fresh and telling of all of the new creative and technological endeavours we at Channel 4 have been up to.

Kicking off with CREA-TV-TY, the session led us through a whistle-stop tour of the plethora of ad formats currently available on telly, as well as revealing secrets behind some of our most imaginative campaigns. Next up was Lindsey Clay of Thinkbox, who hosted a Creative Carousel with industry powerhouses from AMV BBDO The&Partnership, showcasing just why creativity in advertising is so important, as well as a trip down memory lane to look at the best ads of the past 10 years.

Our brand-new research initiative, PL4YBACK was announced – an in-house capability backed by a third-party research agency that will be able to provide real insights and data into campaigns, accessibly and accurately. Suzuki and the All Star Driving School were the stars of the show next, not only talking about the massive success of their ad-funded programme on E4, but also the rest of their media plan and how it all fitted together with TV to supercharge their brand.

The day was rounded off with the live pitches from our amazing shortlist for the Diversity in Advertising Award. Presenting their creative for the portrayal of women in advertising for the chance to win £1m of airtime, the creative agencies and clients faced a panel of 10 judges (oh, and the 40 Plannertarium attendees) who had the chance to feedback. An inspiring afternoon that certainly sparked a lot of debate!

Into the evening, with dinner and plenty of wine… but the less we say about that, the better.

Full photos of the event can be found here:

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