COMING SOON: Weather on 4 Sponsorship for 2022

Mass upmarket reach is in the forecast with our Weather on 4 sponsorship opportunity - available soon!

Weather on 4 spon op coming soon

Why sponsor Channel 4 Weather?

Maintain an exclusive position at the heart of our schedule, alongside the multi award winning Channel 4 news. Channel 4 news consistently reaches a more Upmarket audience than our competitors with a 35-54 profile. The sponsorship offers huge scale, frequency and longevity and your brand will be able to sustain an exclusive and premium environment throughout the whole year.

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Our previous research has shown how effective Channel 4’s weather sponsorship can be

  1. Boosting Awareness: Awareness of the brand went from just 2% before the sponsorship began to 30%
  2. Improving brand warmth: Being alongside Channel 4 News resulted in 64% of viewers having an improved opinion of the sponsor brand. This is significantly higher than the norm of 56%
  3. Resulting in higher purchase consideration: Viewers were +74% more likely than non-viewers to say they’d consider purchasing from the sponsor brand

Weather on 4 Summary

For the full market deck please get in touch with:

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